Panama rescues 74 migrants and arrests 4 Colombian coyotes

Panamanian authorities rescue 74 migrants and arrest 4 “Colombian coyotes.”

Following the chase, the National Border Service (Senafront) of Panama reported last Thursday the rescue of 74 migrants and also arrested four “Colombian coyotes” who were transporting the travelers in two clandestine boats, in Panamanian Caribbean waters near the border with Colombia to the community of Carreto in the Guna Yala ethnic region, in Panama, were intercepted by Senafront agents after having fled at the request of a police officer.

In addition to the two boats, a cell phone and a satellite radio were seized, La Prensa Panama reported. “The first boat was carrying 36 migrants and in the second 38 people of various nationalities were counted on board,” said a police statement. It is not known at this time whether there were Venezuelans among the rescued travelers, however, the authorities did mention that the 74 passengers were “of different nationalities.”

According to data from the National Migration Service (SNM), to date 257,974 people have entered Panama irregularly through the Darien Jungle, the dangerous natural border with Colombia.

“Comparing it with the same period in 2023, which was 392,385, shows a difference of 134,411, which reflects a decrease of 34% with the previous year,” indicates a note from the SNM.

Written by: Oscar El Blue

Panamanian authorities rescue 74 migrants and arrest 4 Colombian “coyotes”

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