Always your country first
Colombian mother fights to reunite with her daughter, asks the Colombian government to listen to her and not ignore her complaints

Oscar El Blue
“One of the most serious human rights crises is violence and discrimination against women” in Colombia.
“Institutional violence is complicit in violence against women. The most serious thing is not that there is violence against women in the streets and homes, but that the State authorities do not see it seriously enough and do not have the training to deal with these cases and protect them and all those people who suffer gender violence.”
“This is nothing more than a symptom of our inability as a State to provide a protective environment for children and young people, and a good future. To have hope that they can live and that society will welcome them.”
These rights are in turn based on four fundamental principles: non-discrimination; the best interest of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and the right to participation.
What is institutional violence against women?
The General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence defines Institutional Violence as “the acts or omissions of public servants of any order of government that discriminate or have the purpose of delaying, obstructing or preventing the enjoyment and exercise of women’s human rights.
Currently, the Colombian Government turns a blind eye to addressing these crises, in which more and more women feel unprotected by the state due to <>.
It is very alarming that the Colombian State has not yet provided care for children and adolescents in the face of institutional abuse. Institutional abuse is understood as any legislation, procedure, action or omission coming from public authorities or derived from the individual action of the professional that involves abuse, negligence, detriment to health, safety, emotional state…
Violence towards children and adolescents has historically taken various forms and one of them, which is rarely discussed, is institutional violence. Towards a form of abuse that is unobserved but present, in which the State, through its institutions or agents in the exercise of functions marked in norms, programs, procedures or actions by action or omission, generates abuse, negligence or affectation of the safety and physical and mental well-being of the child or adolescent.
It is no less true that the most visible abuse occurs within the family and society. However, within institutions, this type of violence is observed, which does not have institutional recognition and which, despite the commitments of the Colombian State towards children and adolescents, hinders the real fulfillment of their human rights.
It is then a matter of focusing attention on another abuser who is not located within the family or society, but in institutions.
Testimony <>.
Diana Bornacelly, President of the Mami Colombia Association, told the OscarBluRamirez portal…
Once the Colombian Family Welfare Institute “icbf” asks the Seventh Family Court headed by María Antonia Acosta Borrero for confirmation for that date in 2021, she authorizes them, they notify my daughter’s father and he takes her for two weeks to the “icbf” north headquarters without anyone notifying me and they request an absence of the mother to the visits, my lawyer asks me about this in the file there was the communication by the lawyer Eduina Fonseca Gómez, immediately I go to the icbf to clarify this situation where they resolve this situation by giving me a certificate that no one ever notified me to start these visits to a person who files them personally.
For a period of 3 months, the parent who for two years did not allow me contact with the girl since the day he took her from school under a FALSE complaint of imminent danger in the maternal home, disproved and demonstrated in a restoration of rights denied by the “icbf” northern headquarters, the former judge Maria Antonia Acosta Borrero did not notify me and did not notify the “icbf” and granted immediate provisional custody to the parent of my daughter under a photograph that he says the school sent him reporting the abuse that my daughter suffered, the school with a legal letter denies these lies of Mr. Euripides Ordóñez García, businessman and rancher in Colombia and Panama, a man with economic power, the gentleman missed visits when he wanted, I request to suspend them because I told my daughter if she had to go to the dentist, or because I told her to apply oil on her legs to moisturize them, everything that as any mother one says to the children, not only this A defender of the “ICBF”, Dr. Esly Esther Merlano, denounced.
Because she told my daughter that her little hands had to be respected, in the “icbf” they had to prohibit the entrance to the visits to the lawyer Sara de la Torcoroma Fernández Alvarez, who verbally attacks me in a scandal that leaves much to think about as a professional, Mr. Euripides Ordóñez was absent when he wanted and the judge was informed but he is totally silent, when I started the visits I requested psychological assistance because La Niña was already presenting a coercive control, she was triangulated, partial, prepared and in a conflict of loyalties, since she has been used by her parent to blur my image, the former Judge Maria Antonia Acosta Borrero denies this request despite the fact that it was the suggestion of the forensic medicine expert, my visits were 90% good and there are reports that prove it, I reinvented myself in each visit until her 10th birthday I celebrated it there, all this rests in the icbf, but nevertheless La Niña some days told me things that out of respect for my daughter I did not I’m going to repeat it publicly, but it was clear that my daughter was being told very bad things by her mother and her maternal family on March 2, 2022.
The girl told me these things again and louder, I wanted the psychologist to hear this since she had some supervised visits, but when I told the girl to please tell me who told her these things, the girl did not want to and refused to talk to the psychologist, what’s more, she left because she had already posed twice before March 2, 2022, so I wanted to hold her back because everything they put in my daughter’s head is worrying, the girl responds hysterically and I try to calm her down by grabbing her by the arms and like any mother would do, she screams dad help me and he who NEVER allowed the psychologist to see her, there was a struggle between the two because I told him let the psychologist see her because you are taking her, it is my visit and it is the icbf that must address the situation, but this one with all his strength as a man snatches her from me, gives her to the lawyer who was outside waiting for him because she could not enter the facilities during visits, the father of my daughter comes back and stands in front of me provoking me since as is normal I was having a nervous breakdown in a low voice she tells me you are not going to see your daughter anymore, to which I respond as is normal, she leaves and files a complaint for domestic violence saying that I assaulted my daughter and never takes her to visits again without any legal support for 8 months she fails to comply with the court order of sentence, the judge who is informed of everything by “icbf” as well as by me personally, but she never answers anything, I start a contempt against my daughter’s parent and the judge remains silent, I file a guardianship and she resolves by eliminating the visits without taking into account the reports of the supervised visits in the “icbf”, without officiating them without anything, the same judge who did not comply with a guardianship order where she was asked to give me some visits in another space, responding that changing a comma to her sentence was Prevarication, but she does it to protect Mr. Euripides Ordóñez García, There was a lawsuit for parental authority, I challenged the judge but they denied the challenge, there was a complaint for prevarication, they do not accept my challenge because there was not a single advance in the general prosecutor’s office of the nation for this complaint, the prosecution requests preclusion granted by the honorable magistrates of the criminal chamber of Barranquilla, one today dismissed even for alleged acts of corruption Mola Capera, reaching the last instance the supreme court criminal chamber denies the preclusion in February of this year, but the prosecution continues to investigate in the investigation, there is a complaint against me for coercion by the prosecutor Gueryn Hernandez Espitia who without evidence and without witnesses accuses me of threatening her and wanting to force her to something that I only knew existed until the day she appointed me and that she told me that she was going to do in her will and as Prosecutor based on her work on a complaint that was archived and that she considered if it was being used against me it was better to preclude, but then she says that I threaten her so that she would do it do, of this I handed over all my conversations with this prosecutor in the interview that was conducted with me in said complaint. False and slanderous in clear institutional violence, I am concerned about this situation and I ask that the Attorney General of the Nation please ask her officials to respect a mother who has been fighting for years to see her daughter again, they cannot believe in a complaint from a man who made his daughter an orphan with her Mother alive, this is Vicarious violence.
Diana Luz Bornacelly Llamas, said with tears, “that her struggle has been going on for years to be reunited with her little daughter; she calls on the Colombian Government, President Gustavo Petro, to be heard so that my complaints are not ignored and to speed up the Prevarication against María Antonia Acosta Borrero, former family judge. I do not want to force my daughter to do anything, but I need to recover parental authority and for her to know that nothing prevents us from being together and that her mother loves her.
IG @asocmamicol
Writing: Oscar El Blue