Always your country first
” FGR Searches and dismantles a fentanyl narco-laboratory in Tijuana”

Oscar El Blue
Tijuana Baja California May 24, 2022
Tijuana. – The Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) through the Baja California delegation in conjunction with the federal ministerial police (PFM) of the criminal investigation agency (AIC) has secured a laboratory where 36 kilograms of the substance were found known as fentanyl.
The home that appeared to be inhabited by 4 women who apparently had lived in the property for about a month and who is located on Will Street in the Valle Verde neighborhood in the city of Tijuana. In the front part of the home it seemed like a simple and humble house, but inside the building built of wood there was a narco-laboratory.
In the property, two tableting machines, a tablet press, two hydraulic presses with three metal molds and documentation were also secured.
Likewise, 4 cardboard drums containing a white powdery substance, labeled with a legend “Metamizoles sodium” with a gross weight of 93kg, were seized.
The property as well as the substances were at the disposal of the Public Ministry of the Federation (MPF) who will determine the probable commission of crimes against health.