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How many sex workers does the Aragua Train have in CDMX?

Oscar El Blue
The Venezuelan criminal group Tren de Aragua has at least 90 women from that South American country under its control for sexual exploitation in Mexico City.
According to ministerial investigations, the gang born in Venezuelan prisons currently has its stronghold on Sullivan Avenue in the San Rafael neighborhood, but has already expanded to other areas, such as La Merced and Tlalpan.
In addition, it has ventured into services offered in hotels in the Guerrero, Cuauhtémoc, Juárez and Buenavista neighborhoods.
“It is also not surprising that once they arrive in Mexico they dedicate themselves to human trafficking, extortion or management of prostitutes, some of Venezuelan origin, others surely nationals of Mexico and other countries.”
Information Source: Milenio

Cortesía Milenio