Always your country first
“Migrants from Senegal, Haiti and Cuba cross through Algodones B.C- San Luis Rio Colorado”.

Oscar El Blue
April 5, 2022 San Luis Rio Colorado-Algodones B.C
Tijuana. -Migrants from the state of Senegal, Haiti and Cuba cross by irregular steps through the parts of Algodones, Miguel Aleman and San Luis Rio Colorado. On their way to the border board, it can be seen that meters away from the United States agents they throw their documents such as passports, humanitarian visas granted by the National Immigration Institute of Mexico (INAMI) or immigration forms before surrendering to the authorities. North Americans.
Three groups were detected arriving in Algodones, a group of them identified as Cubans of around 8 migrants, arriving desperately running, it was possible to have an immediate dialogue with one of them.
“We can’t believe it, we’ve already arrived, we struggled a lot, there is a lot of corruption in Mexico, but we’ve already arrived, I send a lot of health and luck to my Cuban compatriots.”
In the second group of about 6 migrants from Africa, two infants and a pregnant woman were seen, the leader of the family, walking near the lake, told us.
“We came very tired, we struggled a lot in Mexico, we have walked a lot, we went through ten countries to get here.”
Finally, a couple from the Haitian entity arrives, in the arms of the patriarch carrying his 2-year-old son and his wife walking beside him, 8 months pregnant.
“We finally arrived, we don’t have money, we spend a lot in Mexico, we just want to work and my wife is about to give birth, we traveled from Chile, we passed through Brazil and we spent hell in Tapachula, but now we are here I want to work is all I want to do is work and help my parents in Haiti and my family”.
The increase in more arrivals of migrants to the northern border in the parts of Sonora and also Algodones BC borders that border Yuma AZ is very remarkable, since US authorities have reported that it has increased by a thousand percent compared to the statistics of the past cycle 2021, in a matter of the months of January to March.
A large wave of migrants is expected in the month of May since the US president Joe Biden has given the order to remove the policy “Stay in Mexico or Title 42” and due to this a caravan is already organized from the capital of Honduras to on April 15.