Always your country first

Oscar El Blue
Tapachula Chiapas June 7, 2022
Tapachula- . At least 12,000 migrants left this June 6 from Tapachula, a city in the southeastern state of Chiapas, on the border with Guatemala. During a heavy rain, thousands of foreigners, most of them from Venezuela, other South American countries, Cuba and Central America, took the entire federal highway that leads to the neighboring state of Oaxaca, still in the south of the country, with the aim of move as quickly as possible towards the border with the United States, via Ciudad Acuna or Piedras Negras.
In the extensive group, which has reached about 40 km and is now in the city of the municipality of Huixtla, many children travel in the company of their parents. The migrant families have suffered the effects of the morning showers and then the intense heat, which has weakened their strength to continue walking.

Luis Garcia Villagran, promoter of this new caravan, has indicated that they will continue their itinerary this coming Thursday. “We are yet to see if the authorities can be sensitive to humanitarian visas or multiple migratory forms.”
This enormous exodus of migrants coincides with the enormous delay in the procedures of the Mexican immigration institute, which should be cleaned up to avoid congestion at the south gate in Tapachula.