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“Native in the Darien jungle in Panama explains the atrocities that are experienced and the risks of migrants when crossing”

Oscar El Blue
Tijuana Baja California April 27, 2022
Tijuana. – The journalist for the Real Americas Voice News network Ben Bergquam visited one of the most dangerous places in the world for migrants known as “El Tapon del Darien”. Upon reaching that point, he encountered different situations and statements by migrants before entering and leaving the most risky section of Latin America, we talked with the journalist and he told us about this.
“There was a statement by a migrant when he left the Darien that you could see his total bewilderment on his face, he explained to me that he saw different lifeless people on the road and one of the cases where he was present saw an adult who was traveling with his son and the current of the river swept him away and he could not rescue him, the audlto continued his journey but there came a time when they lost track of him and then they saw him hanging from a tree he took his life.
Journalist Bergquam interviewed a native who works for the municipality in the Darien area where he was asked about how migrants arrive in health conditions at that place.
“There are many people with Malaria and somehow it spreads. Most of these people who come in unfortunate conditions are from the continent of Africa. The most worrying thing is that the health sector on this side is very poor and cannot attend to so many people. We need help”.
In a matter of how organized crime has affected human trafficking in that area and the consequences regarding youth, I comment.
“This has not helped at all, the narco has appropriated the jungle and the young people take the traffickers as an example, it has also increased the robbery and the violations of migrants.”
Finally, he was asked if the United States government could in some way regulate and secure the lives of migrants so as not to expose their lives in this way, do you think it would be pertinent for it to intervene.
“Please do something here, things are very bad and we need help, there is a big business with migrants and there is a lot of insecurity.”
The Darien Gap is known worldwide as one of the most dangerous places in the world for migrants, recently the director of the Department of Homeland Security of the United States, Alejandro Mayorkas, visited it and emphatically insisted that he will work with the Panamanian government to be able to combat organized crime and be able to save the lives of migrants so that they are not exposed by such a dangerous stretch.