Telegram will now cooperate and decide to collaborate with authorities and will now provide user information to governments

Telegram will now cooperate and decide to collaborate with authorities and will now provide user information to governments

Oscar El Blue On 19 October, 2024 International World

Telegram is exploring all avenues to improve its reputation, enhance its transparency and avoid possible suspensions. The messaging network Telegram will report to the authorities, upon prior request, all accounts where illegal content is shared,

Venezuelan and Colombian minors rescued from human trafficking network in Cúcuta

Venezuelan and Colombian minors rescued from human trafficking network in Cúcuta

Oscar El Blue On 18 October, 2024 International World

An investigation that lasted approximately one week allowed the Colombian authorities to determine that inside a building in the city of Cúcuta, in the department of Norte de Santander, five minors of Venezuelan and Colombian

Argentina and Venezuela lead the ranking of misery in the world

Argentina and Venezuela lead the ranking of misery in the world

Oscar El Blue On 18 October, 2024 International World

The poverty rate in Argentina has skyrocketed in the first six months of this year, according to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec). The rate thus affects more than half

Thousands of migrants stranded on the beach of the Gulf of Urabá, the harsh reality

Thousands of migrants stranded on the beach of the Gulf of Urabá, the harsh reality

Oscar El Blue On 18 October, 2024 International World

The migration crisis in Colombia has reached alarming levels, with hundreds of Venezuelan migrants seeking to escape poverty, violence and political persecution in their home country. However, as they cross the border, many encounter new


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