Always your country first
“Possible caravan to the north with more than 6,000 migrants will leave”

Oscar El Blue
Tapachula May 28, 2022
By: Oscar Blue Ramirez
Tapachula. – In an intense week migrants have been gathering in the bicentennial park of the city of Tapachula to organize a caravan that will leave in the first days of June. Mostly migrants from Venezuela, Cuba and the Central American triangle, as well as from neighboring countries such as Bangladesh, gather in the park square to fill out a protection request form in which they are allowed to walk without being interrupted by any government authority.
The human rights defender and director of the center for human dignity Luis Garcia Villagran has been the pillar of the unification of migrants in past meetings where more than 6,000 people demand free passage and speeding up their humanitarian visa card at the border. south.
Luis Garcia Villagran tells us about his position on the United States, which has once again reinstated the Title 42 policy.
“Title 42 is a violation of the request for asylum and refuge by the Joe Biden administration, it is completely discriminatory for the Latino entity, it is clear that the government of Mexico with the government of the United States are in collusion to prevent the asylum requests through a sanitary containment”.
Meanwhile, the National Migration Institute (INAMI) has said that they are attending to more than 300 pardons daily and that the humanitarian visa process must be respected in a timely manner.
Last Thursday, May 26 and Friday, May 27, have been intense days in which more than 5,000 migrants have marched from the bicentennial park to the XXI century migration station, with the intention of demonstrating their disagreement with the humanitarian visa processes and also with the purpose of sending a message to reach an agreement with the National Migration Institute (INAMI) to expedite their departure from the southern gate of Tapachula.
Human rights defender Luis Villagran tells us about the intense and dangerous human trafficking that is constantly happening in the south of the country.
“The only beneficiary of the human need of migrants is organized crime here at the south gate for just taking a migrant out of the state of Chiapas without being touched they charge you 5,000 dollars and once you are at the northern border they charge you 8,000 dollars, the Authorities already know about this but they do nothing about it and those affected are those migrants who do not even have enough to eat.”
It is planned that there will be a dialogue table with the National Institute of Migration (INAMI) the following week and thus the departure of a new caravan can be avoided.