Always your country first
Crisis and Fear in Venezuela New wave of migration grows 500 to 600 Venezuelans cross the Pacaraima-Brazil border daily in South America.

Oscar El Blue
After the presidential election process of July 28, 2024, a new wave of repression has arrived, led by the administration of the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. It should be noted that, “the situation in Venezuela. There is no employment and, if you get one, it is to earn USD $20, which is not enough for much.”
Journalists and residents of the Gran Sabana municipality, in the state of Bolívar, reported a significant migratory surge that includes the daily departure of 500 to 600 Venezuelans to Pacaraima, 214 km from the city of Boa Vista, capital of the state of Roraima, in Brazil.
Currently, the operation hosts 6,200 immigrants in six of its shelters, two of which are intended for indigenous people. The capacity is 8,000.
The increased flow of migrants meant that the process of documenting immigrants, issuing a CPF and SUS card, and getting vaccinated took from one day to at least five days.
Demand escalated and, at times, vaccines were lacking. Vaccines against yellow fever, triple viral, hepatitis B and Covid, as well as the double adult vaccine (diphtheria and tetanus), are mandatory.

Higher rate of migrant reception than to Colombia:
About why are there more migrants being reported to Brazil than to Colombia? The transfer to Cúcuta, in the Norte de Santander department, Colombia, has a more complex access, with multiple checkpoints along the way.
It is important to report that to enter Colombia in a regular manner it is necessary to have a valid passport, a requirement that is not requested in the Operation Welcome. In addition, the Venezuelan passport has a price higher than 200 dollars, so a significant number of migrants do not have it.
Written by: Oscar El Blue