Always your country first
Migrant camp in Necocli Colombia, one step away from the Darien jungle.

Oscar El Blue
January 19, 2022
By: Oscar Blue Ramirez
Necocli.- Around 300 migrants from Venezuela are at the end of the main avenue in the port area of Necocli, camping, living in precarious situations, hoping to raise money to be able to pay for transportation by sea to the islands of “Acandi or Capurgana to go up the Darien.
Gloria is a migrant from Venezuela who meets two of her children in the camp and tells us that they live by selling aluminum cans and collecting garbage to earn money for their passage.
“We have been here for three months and we have not been able to raise money to leave, we have to raise 400 dollars to pay the guide and be able to cross the Darién.”
The camp lacks support through international organizations, so the migrants ask only for financial support to be able to eat a day and thus be able to raise money to leave the port.
This mostly Venezuelan camp flees from the insecurity in their country and the sad economy that is lived by the communist system of the dictator Nicolás Maduro.